Historic Wavy Glass for Buildings and Homes Built in the 1920s Through the 1950s

Restover® (Light) restoration glass matches buildings with the Fourcault and Colburn processes. This historic wavy glass is still widely seen throughout America.

Restover® (Light)Plus: Historic Wavy Glass for Buildings and Homes Built in the 1920s Through the 1950s Wellesley, MA

Restover® (light) has minor distortion (wave). This distortion is more visible when driving by or when viewing a reflection off of the glass.

Fantastic Glass for Major Restoration Projects

Restover® (light) is available in sizes up to approximately 59 by 63”. It is manufactured using the Fourcault process and is 2.75mm thick.

For more information on Restover® (light) and our other types of restoration glass please watch our video.